الأحد، 12 فبراير 2012

And I love Adele...and Whitney...

Thoughts on the Grammys:

I love Adele. I love that she went through this horrific breakup, and sunk down into this mire, and clawed her way back out, and the result is this fabulous album. And this was just the cherry on top. Unrequited love is the absolute most heart wrenching experience-I wish that I had this CD as a teenager. And I love that she just stood there and sang-no over the top theatrics. I can appreiciate the visual art form that some artists have created, but a great song (and a great singer) doesn't need them.

The Grammys has completely thrown away the idea that they are an awards show at all. There are tons of Grammys given out, yet the viewing public basically has no idea. It is mostly just a very long concert. Which is fun to watch. But, in that case, why not throw in a few more performances? I like Sir Paul and the Foo Fighters as much as the next person, but I would like to see some others get in there rather than watch them perform twice.

Speaking of the Foo Fighters, I sit in amazement at Dave Grohl. Here is a guy who could have just gone and been a drummer with a band, who could have just been satisfied to have been in possibly the greatest band of a generation, and yet he didn't-he goes out and does this great rock music and he even looks like Kurt doing it and he does it anyway.

Country music always gets the short shrift (is that the word I want?). I do not understand why it is hard for other musicians to enjoy country music, to my ears it is the most natural, most beautiful sounding music that exists.

I'm sure that there will be controversy over the Whitney aspect to the whole thing. They certainly seemed to be obsessed with it, to the point that others who have passed away were a mere afterthought. I love Whitney, she is my all time favorite singer after Judy Garland. I am so sad at her loss, sad for her daughter and her family, sad that she died the way that she did. Oh, and Jennifer Hudson-wow. She looked stunning (and she sang well too).