السبت، 9 أغسطس 2014

Goodbye, summer of my discontent...

It has been a pretty bad week. The end to a fairly horrible summer. When I look back on my life, 2014 is not going to contain all that many great memories.

Oh, there have been some nice memories. Most of which I share on Facebook and Instagram and such. But on the whole, lots of stuff has been fairly bad. And it culminated this week in a letter from Muskingum telling me that they wish me well, but that I should focus my job prospects elsewhere.

Or, you know, something like that. Nick would say no, that's not what it said. But it might as well have.

I've never not gotten hired for a job that I've interviewed for. I have been passed over for an interview many times. But that, while not exactly fun, is not so bad. Not getting an interview is like, you are completely not right for this job, thank you. Getting an interview, for a job that you feel quite qualified for, and then being rejected feels like, oh my goodness, you seemed like such a great fit, and then I met you and discovered that you are an ogre.

I know-that's not true. But it feels true.

I'm not posting this to make anyone feel that they need to in any way acknowledge that I am actually smart and kind and certainly not an ogre. I am posting this because I write to get my emotions out, and sometimes I make the words public for the world to share, usually when I feel like maybe someone else might benefit from them. Maybe someone else will feel comforted by the idea that I was rejected. Sort of like how Peter feels better on that episode of The Brady Bunch when Mike tells him that he has been fired from lots of jobs. (Peter unfortunately went on to never really have a job that he liked in any of the subsequent TV movies about the Bradys, but that is neither here nor there.)

To top this week off, I also forgot to take Betsy's projects into the fair. So I have a very sad little girl who won't be seeing her skirt, scrapbook, and first aid poster displayed after much hard work. I kind of suck.

So...I'm officially moving on this week. My East Muskingum calendar came today. This means that I get to spend my evening updating my planner! Kind of like geeky Christmas, I know, but it is one of my favorite things to do. Tomorrow I get to go to the fair and have wonderful fair food. And I'm listening to Michael Jackson, who never ever fails to put a smile on my face.

So, dear blog readers, I will leave you with my favorite of all Bible verses, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." -Proverbs 3:5-6

And please, if you are at the Muskingum County fair this week, know that there is a beautiful skirt, an amazing scrapbook, and a very helpful first aid poster made by a most amazing girl missing from the junior fair booth.